Laulagun India has received ISO14001 environmental management certification. Laulagun is firmly committed to protecting the environment by managing the environmental risks associated with our activities.
ISO 14001 certification allows us to improve and optimise resource management by using them wisely. This reduces the risk of environmental hazards, such as emissions or spills.
Third certificate
This certification is in addition to the previous ones awarded the plant in India and those in Olaberria and Idiazabal. So now Laulagun is certified to ISO9001 (quality management), ISO45001 (occupational health and safety) and ISO14001 standards.
ISO 14001 helps companies manage and identify environmental risks in the company over the course of its activity. Identifying and managing these risks to the ISO14001 standards allows the company to prevent risks and protect the environment in line with current regulations and socio-economic needs required for compliance.
Reviewed yearly
Compliance with legal requirements and commitment to a safe and healthy workplace, reducing risks and removing hazards to workers’ health and safety, are fundamental to the company. So, at Laulagun we review our quality, environment and workplace health and safety policies every year to adapt them to our changing circumstances, the market and legal requirements.