Laulagun participates in the Romeo project, designed to reduce the costs of offshore wind energy. This project combines reliable operation and maintenance decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction in offshore wind energy.
The project is an initiative funded by Horizon 2020 programme and its main purpose is to reduce the costs of offshore operation and maintenance through the development of advanced monitoring systems and strategies. he aim is to advance in corrective maintenance, through the analysis of the real behaviour of the main components of wind turbines (WTG).
12 recognised and experienced companies from six different EU member states and one partner country, led by Iberdrola, are participating in ROMEO. Laulagun Bearings is one of the participating companies. Laulagun’s contribution to the Romeo project focuses on the development and validation of algorithms for the diagnosis and prognosis of the critical blade bearing failure modes.
Along with Laulagun, companies such as EDF, Adwen, Siemens Gamesa, Ramboll, IBM Research Zurich, Minsait INDRA, in addition to Bachmann, and SMEs such as Uptime Engineering and ZABALA Innovation Consulting are participating in the Romeo project. Strathclyde University is also involved.
Two years of achievements
This year is the second year since the European project Romeo was launched. The results obtained so far are satisfactory in terms of the technical progress accomplished, given that all the established goals have been met, especially in the predictive models developed to achieve a high level of energy cost reduction (LCoE) in offshore wind production.
Members of the Romeo project have highlighted the importance of interacting with other stakeholders in the wind turbine industry. To this end, it has been proposed to participate in important events such as the Wind Europe Conference and Exhibition, the most important event in Europe for the wind turbine industry, which took place last April in Bilbao.
In fact, the ROMEO project was successfully presented during this event, which brought together an average of 8,000 professionals from all over the world and more than 400 exhibitors from 50 countries. In addition to Wind Europe, Romeo recently delivered a successful presentation at the REMS Annual Conference “Optimisation of Offshore Wind Structures”, organised by the University of Strathclyde.
The next meeting point will be the 2019 Wind Energy Science Conference scheduled to take place in Cork, Ireland this week.
Here in Laulagun we would like to highlight the importance of projects like Romeo. To advance in solutions for offshore wind energy is to invest in the future, and at Laulagun we are committed to innovation and ongoing improvement. Focusing resources towards innovation is a strategic commitment for Laulagun, so the constant effort put into ongoing improvement is a fundamental cornerstone for us.