After the crisis of 2017, the wind market in India is on the rise, something that Laulagun has bet on. 2021 was a special year for the company in India, with the commissioning of the plant in the state of Tamil Nadu. And the bet continues in this 2022, with the aim of reinforcing and promoting the plant with direct investments in machinery that will increase our capacity once again.
The industrial commitment that Laulagun Bearings has made to open a plant in India, responds to the objective of accompanying its clients with a view to having a global business, and thus achieving 100% homologation, always offering the know-how developed in Europe for more than 30 years.
Thus, Laulagun calculates that 20% of the production in 2022 will come from the plant in India, thanks also to the appearance of local customers who have survived the break in recent years due to Covid.
As an example of this growth and start-up, Pello Irujo, CEO of Laulagun Bearings, had the pleasure of planting the tree of the future at the Thervoy Kandigai plant, near the city of Chennai, in Tamil Nadu. A detail that shows the desire to do and grow that both local employees and managers as well as the workers of the Olaberria and Idiazabal plants in Spain have shown since the beginning of the implementation of Laulagun Bearings in India.
Bet on business India For Global
Recently, Irujo himself has been able to present first-hand the experience of Laulagun Bearing in India at the event “Opportunities in India for the wind sector” organized by the Government of Navarra and Enercluster within the International Plan for Navarra.
As Irujo detailed at the event, Laulagun is betting on the India For Global business. As he specified, “the production calculation that we make for this 2022 and taking into account all our clients, is between 8 and 10 megawatts, of which 70%, approximately, we see it more in India For Global than in India For India”.
And that is what Laulagun Bearings’s commitment to the plant in India is focused on: “It is an industrial commitment, with a high investment, but we have the absolute decision to follow our customers”, details Irujo.
And it is that the last few years in India have not been easy. According to the study carried out by the Navarre consulting firm Indversis specialized in the Indian market, the regulatory change in the auction regime in 2017 was a negative disruptive for the wind sector, and caused a collapse in prices, creating an economically unprofitable system.
But it seems that things have started to change. The Indian Government has shown a very clear commitment to renewable energies as the most viable alternative to fossil fuels.
Five keys to the progress of the wind market in India
Thus, and safeguarding the main problems that the territory has (the lack of capacity to evacuate the energy it produces, the bureaucracy that must be overcome for the acquisition of land, or the high debt of the Discoms), Indversis marks five keys for the progress of the recovery of the wind market in India: That the Government of India commits to the financing and implementation of effective policies, repowering, hybridization, the Exporting Hub, and a realistic auction system.
With that in mind, it can be seen that the wind market is reborn again in India, something that Laulagun Bearings likes and that allows us to continue along the path that we began with such enthusiasm with the symbolic opening and planting of the tree of the future at the Laulagun Bearings plant in India.