Wind market flourishes in India

After the crisis of 2017, the wind market in India is on the rise, something that Laulagun has bet on. 2021 was a special year for the company in India, with the commissioning of the plant in the state of Tamil Nadu. And the bet continues in this 2022, with the aim of reinforcing and …

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Renewable energies, a solid base towards the ecological transition

If something has become clear at the II CITE Congress, it is that renewable energies have been consolidated as a fundamental basis for the ecological transition. And that companies like Laulagun Bearings play a vital role in that transition. On October 6 and 7, Pamplona hosted the second contest of the CITE Congress, the International …

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Laulagun Bearings will participate in the CITE congress on the energy transition

Laulagun Bearings will be at the CITE congress in Pamplona (Spain) on October 6 and 7. CITE is the international congress of the Renewable Energy Industry for the Ecological Transition, promoted by the Cluster of the Wind Sector of Navarra Enercluster and the Government of Navarra. Renewable energies and energy efficiency promote the transition towards …

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